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Showing posts from July, 2018

Yajaira's Wedding

Wedding photography is not a random burst of pictures, it's a methodic approach that allow us to take advantage of the environment where we are and as a result we are able to show or hide things as we feel it’s necessary. In this case we couldn’t ignore the beautiful chandelier, but photographing there required two main things: keep in mind the direction of light and pose the bride accordingly. The posing was not random either, it had to emphasize a few things: the beautiful  dress, the shape of her body, the softness of her hands, the beautiful makeup, etc. We also shot at a very specific angle to avoid two things: distortions associated to the lens that we had to used due to the tight space, and showing the restaurant in the first floor…. So yeah, not everyone with a camera is a photographer and not all photographers are wedding photographers.