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Showing posts from June, 2018


Do you see where she is standing? Standing four feet above the ground in a little platform that is one foot wide while wearing high heels and in a windy afternoon is not really smart but we had to take a chance. That’s what Photography is about. That is how life itself is. Take a chance. Don’t be afraid. There’s no doubt that one can fail but if one persists life can reward us with something meaningful.


How did I do with the timing? The background lighitng, the flash lighitng, the expression and the pose had to be one hundred percent ready.... The seagull came and left and I had a fraction of a second to capture it right above my couple whose hands paralleled the seagull's wings.

Video about this picture

UN VIDEO SOBRE ESTA FOTO Amigos dos cosas: Primero mire esta foto la cual es el resultado de algo que no estava planeado pero que dada la oportunidad yo tuve que trabajar con las cosas que estaban a nuestro al rededor e inclusive tuve que modificar la luz con un difusor para asegurarme que todos tengan mas o menos la misma cantidad de luz. Segundo, miew el video como esta foto podria ser mucho mejor si yo mismo hubiese tenido en cuenta muchos factores que ahora los veo. Es verdad en entonces que en fotografia la clave no esta en la cantidad pero la calidad. Lo que tenmos que hacer es slow down, ver y analizar lo que se esta haciendo y de ahi tomar las fotos.

Prom 3

Salí con mi cámara el martes a caminar por un momento y cuando llegue a Long Island City vi a muchos jovencitos tomandose fotos antes de ir a su Prom. Me acerque a uno de ellos y les pedi que me dejen tomarle fotos. Ellos accedieron a mi petición a pesar que nunca nos conocimos y que el shoot no estaba previsto. Sin embargo tan pronto tome la primera foto y les mostré a ellos todos quedaron fascinados y aun con mucho mas gusto sus familiares y amigos también me aceptaron dentro de su grupo. Aquí esta lo que podemos aprender de esto: 1) Hay muchas mas posibilidades de practicar cuando se hace un esfuerzo y se sale que cuando se queda en la casa y espera que su fotografía mejore. 2) Las personas accederán a su petición dependiendo de la manera que les pida. 3) Si ellos les dan una oportunidad uno tiene segundos para crear una buena impresión y demostrar la experiencia de uno. 4)  Cuando ellos ven su trabajo ellos accederán a retirarse o quedarse dependiendo de cuan feliz estén con ...


It was her prom day and I wanted to find a way to celebrate her success.... I took advantage of the fading sun and placed this beautiful girl on top of the bench to avoid the fence and make her more dominant than the powerful city in the background. The rest was: expose for the background, finesse the pose, work with the direction of the wind and side light her.


I usually go out to practice every Thursday. I have done that religiously for the last three years. This week thought I changed my day and went out yesterday. While I was out there I met a number of teens who where taking pictures before they went to their prom. Without thinking twice I approached them and took a few shots. Here is one of them.  I hope you like it.

Bounced light

We did this engagement shoot in Long Island City, it was a bright and sunny day but as we were preparing to leave I found a great spot of bounced light and I took advantage to take this picture. I hope you all like it.

Bride Getting Ready

Tuve la gran oportunidad de tomar las fotos mientras Laura, una linda novia colombiana, se preparava para el dia de su boda. Por motivos de compromiso con otra pareja yo no pude estar en la boda de Laura personalmente pero sin embargo hice un ezfuerzo por lo menos de estar ahi mientras ella se preparava. Eso significo que tenia que manejor como 90 millas de mi local a la casa de Laura and South Hamptons y despues tuve que regresar para ver a mi segunda parja en Roselyn, NY. Facilmente maneje unas 180 millas ese dia, pero cuando uno hace lo que le gusta uno disfruta mucho y eso se ve reflejado en el trabajo que uno hace.


This beautiuful little girl, Samantha, is awesome. She is not only easy to photograph but also loves to have a great time as you can see in this picture.

Diana and Mark

Forget that you are being photographed and enjoy the moment, be yourself, have fun, pretend that no one is watching you.


I am happy to share a picture from a beautiful Colombian bride whose wedding celebration took place at the beautiful Mediterranean Manor in Patchogue. Laura and her husband Kevin, are just two wonderful people. They were very easy to work with, they were  flexible with their schedule and were happay to provide the time needed to do our job. We are so happy with the results and would like to recognize the courage that Laura demonstrated when she decided to go out to the street to do some pictures there despite's Saturday's heat and humidity.


The sunny mornign and harsh light prevented us from shooting in the best locations and even thought I was aware that this is not the tipical background that I like in my pictures I went for this shot as i couldn't resist the beautiful reflection that I found in this building. I hope you all like it.