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Karina and Andy

Sergio's cake

George Washington Bridge

The view of the George Washington Bridge from New Jersey.

Jorge and Elizabeth

Kiara's sweet sixteen


Sara's Quinceanera



Brianna's Sweet Sixteen Center Piece


Isabella luciendo un hermoso vestido de quinceañera en su día de fiesta.


A picture from the beautiful bride who said yes to the dress at Estelle's Dressy Dresses  and got married yesterday. The space and time that we had to photograph her was limited as we had to run to the ceremony but we still got some beautiful shots for her.



...y ya llega la fiesta de sweet sixteen de Keillyn, muy contento de esta oportunidad, de poder documentar algo tan importante para esta familia ecuatoriana. A proposito, ellos tambien han sido de mi propia tierra.

photo shoot before the party

Preparandonos ya para el sweet sixteen de Daniella hoy at Atlantis Hall. Estaremos ahi haciendo fotografia, video y photo booth.


Una foto de Daniella que tomamos la semana pasada en anticipacion de su fiesta de quinceanera este fin de semana. Daniella es una chica muy inteligente e independiente. Ella se fue por su propia cuanta a Long Island donde la sesion de fotos tuvo lugar a pesar que tuvo que tomar dos buses y caminar un poco para llegar al parque. Su intencion era ayudar a los papas para que no tomen el dia libre por motivo de su sesion de fotos.

Justine and Kevin

Kevin and Justine got married at the beautiful Pavilion on Sunken Meadows Park in Long Island. This picture was taking on our way to the beach, the light was so beautiful and I took advantage of it and snapped this picture.

Sunset at Sayville, NY

I  was honored to document a beautiful wedding at the Mansion at West Sayville, in Long Island. While I was there I noticed two things. First, no one could ignore the beautiful sunset and second, I notice several couples  who were having a wonderful time while attending the wedding. I approached one of them and took this shot. I hope you all like it as much as they did. 

Daniella's Sweet Sixteen Photo Shoot

Good things happen to those who wait....and are lucky.... a without hesitation snap the shot not before not after but at the right moment.

Amanda's One Year Anniversary

And I went back to the same place where I did a year and half ago their engagement pictures and a year ago their wedding pictures. Happy first wedding anniversary Amanda and Fabian.

Yajaira's Wedding

Wedding photography is not a random burst of pictures, it's a methodic approach that allow us to take advantage of the environment where we are and as a result we are able to show or hide things as we feel it’s necessary. In this case we couldn’t ignore the beautiful chandelier, but photographing there required two main things: keep in mind the direction of light and pose the bride accordingly. The posing was not random either, it had to emphasize a few things: the beautiful  dress, the shape of her body, the softness of her hands, the beautiful makeup, etc. We also shot at a very specific angle to avoid two things: distortions associated to the lens that we had to used due to the tight space, and showing the restaurant in the first floor…. So yeah, not everyone with a camera is a photographer and not all photographers are wedding photographers.


Do you see where she is standing? Standing four feet above the ground in a little platform that is one foot wide while wearing high heels and in a windy afternoon is not really smart but we had to take a chance. That’s what Photography is about. That is how life itself is. Take a chance. Don’t be afraid. There’s no doubt that one can fail but if one persists life can reward us with something meaningful.


How did I do with the timing? The background lighitng, the flash lighitng, the expression and the pose had to be one hundred percent ready.... The seagull came and left and I had a fraction of a second to capture it right above my couple whose hands paralleled the seagull's wings.

Video about this picture

UN VIDEO SOBRE ESTA FOTO Amigos dos cosas: Primero mire esta foto la cual es el resultado de algo que no estava planeado pero que dada la oportunidad yo tuve que trabajar con las cosas que estaban a nuestro al rededor e inclusive tuve que modificar la luz con un difusor para asegurarme que todos tengan mas o menos la misma cantidad de luz. Segundo, miew el video como esta foto podria ser mucho mejor si yo mismo hubiese tenido en cuenta muchos factores que ahora los veo. Es verdad en entonces que en fotografia la clave no esta en la cantidad pero la calidad. Lo que tenmos que hacer es slow down, ver y analizar lo que se esta haciendo y de ahi tomar las fotos.

Prom 3

Salí con mi cámara el martes a caminar por un momento y cuando llegue a Long Island City vi a muchos jovencitos tomandose fotos antes de ir a su Prom. Me acerque a uno de ellos y les pedi que me dejen tomarle fotos. Ellos accedieron a mi petición a pesar que nunca nos conocimos y que el shoot no estaba previsto. Sin embargo tan pronto tome la primera foto y les mostré a ellos todos quedaron fascinados y aun con mucho mas gusto sus familiares y amigos también me aceptaron dentro de su grupo. Aquí esta lo que podemos aprender de esto: 1) Hay muchas mas posibilidades de practicar cuando se hace un esfuerzo y se sale que cuando se queda en la casa y espera que su fotografía mejore. 2) Las personas accederán a su petición dependiendo de la manera que les pida. 3) Si ellos les dan una oportunidad uno tiene segundos para crear una buena impresión y demostrar la experiencia de uno. 4)  Cuando ellos ven su trabajo ellos accederán a retirarse o quedarse dependiendo de cuan feliz estén con ...


It was her prom day and I wanted to find a way to celebrate her success.... I took advantage of the fading sun and placed this beautiful girl on top of the bench to avoid the fence and make her more dominant than the powerful city in the background. The rest was: expose for the background, finesse the pose, work with the direction of the wind and side light her.


I usually go out to practice every Thursday. I have done that religiously for the last three years. This week thought I changed my day and went out yesterday. While I was out there I met a number of teens who where taking pictures before they went to their prom. Without thinking twice I approached them and took a few shots. Here is one of them.  I hope you like it.

Bounced light

We did this engagement shoot in Long Island City, it was a bright and sunny day but as we were preparing to leave I found a great spot of bounced light and I took advantage to take this picture. I hope you all like it.

Bride Getting Ready

Tuve la gran oportunidad de tomar las fotos mientras Laura, una linda novia colombiana, se preparava para el dia de su boda. Por motivos de compromiso con otra pareja yo no pude estar en la boda de Laura personalmente pero sin embargo hice un ezfuerzo por lo menos de estar ahi mientras ella se preparava. Eso significo que tenia que manejor como 90 millas de mi local a la casa de Laura and South Hamptons y despues tuve que regresar para ver a mi segunda parja en Roselyn, NY. Facilmente maneje unas 180 millas ese dia, pero cuando uno hace lo que le gusta uno disfruta mucho y eso se ve reflejado en el trabajo que uno hace.


This beautiuful little girl, Samantha, is awesome. She is not only easy to photograph but also loves to have a great time as you can see in this picture.

Diana and Mark

Forget that you are being photographed and enjoy the moment, be yourself, have fun, pretend that no one is watching you.


I am happy to share a picture from a beautiful Colombian bride whose wedding celebration took place at the beautiful Mediterranean Manor in Patchogue. Laura and her husband Kevin, are just two wonderful people. They were very easy to work with, they were  flexible with their schedule and were happay to provide the time needed to do our job. We are so happy with the results and would like to recognize the courage that Laura demonstrated when she decided to go out to the street to do some pictures there despite's Saturday's heat and humidity.


The sunny mornign and harsh light prevented us from shooting in the best locations and even thought I was aware that this is not the tipical background that I like in my pictures I went for this shot as i couldn't resist the beautiful reflection that I found in this building. I hope you all like it.

Kevin and Laura

I am looking forward in photographing the wedding of this wonderful Colombian couple this coming weekend. Kevin and Laura's wedding will be at the beautiful Mediterranean Manor in Patchogue NY. This is the first time that my crew and I are going to be in this venue and we are very excited about photographing in there as there are so many beautiful spots where we can get some great shots.

Gloria and Luis

I had a lot of fun working with this wonderful couple during thier engagement shoot in Long Island City last Friday. I also met Melanie one of the couple's friend and she was very helpfula and made the shoot go even smoother. Can't wait for their wedding day! It's going to be a lot of fun.

Zayda and Erick

Una foto de  Zayda M Hernandez  y su prometido Erick. Can't wait to document the wedding of this wonderful couple. It's going to be a lot of fun.

Never forget to have fun

First is the proposal, then is the planning, and finally the big day arrives and it's time to have fun at your wedding.

Raining? Get out of here....

One of the most fun and playful couple of the year. Spending time with them you learn to laugh, to dance, to enjoy life. Planning a wedding doesn't have to be stressful, it can be fun, it's all about attitude....Can't wait for their wedding day that will take place at the beautiful Terrace On The Park in Flushing, NY.

NYC Silhouette

I did an engagement shoot in Long Island City yesterday and I had a few things in mind. First, I wanted to get something a little different from what most people would get. Second, this is such a lovely couple and I wanted to portrait them as tall and elegant as the city itself. Third, I want to frame them within the frame and for that I use the trees that I found nearby. Fourth, I wanted the sun's rays bursting above them, the light that will guide them through marriage. The couple already saw the picture and they loved it. In fact, they chose this picture to be displayed at the entrance of the ballroom during their wedding day.

Rainy Morning

Did I tell you that I actually shot an engagement in the middle of a rainy morning?....and here is the thing, the couple not only allowed me to take pictures, they also had fun. Lots of fun....You see, photography is about attitude. Photographers rarely find a perfect moment, perfect lighting or perfect conditions... We have to work with what we got but we must always try to do the very best that we can.

Juliana and John Engagement

I met Juliana and John at my place a while back. Since our first meeting we have always communicated either by email or text and by the time their engagement shoot date arrived I felt that I haven't spent enough time with them and therefore we are not very familiar with each other. But my feelings were miss-placed. We instantly bonded the moment that we so each other for the second time and we felt that we have known each other for years. They are very good at following instructions and being themselves in front of the camera and that made my job a lot easier and fun....can't wait for their wedding day!

Bright Smile

What do you think about her beautiful smile? It lightens up her whole face and people around her respond in kind....a genuine smile goes a long way.

Kevin and Justine

I am very happy to share a picture that I took last week at the Robert Moses lighthouse and beach. This wonderful couple are getting married in less than one hundred days and I am looking forward in documenting such an special day for them, their families and friends.

Marc and Natalie Engagement

I am looking forward photograping the wedding of this wonderful couple in September. We did their engagement shoot last week in Flushing Park and we had a great time. They are awesome and I love the interaction between the two of them....photographing their wedding is going to be a great pleasure.

Long Island City Engagement

I shot an engagement shoot yesterday in the middle of the rain and we had a great time and ended up with beautiful pictures. This picture was taken under the dry entrance of a building that we found while in our way to our cars.....We had little chance of rescheduling this shoot as the groom is a New York City Policy Officer and is working 17 hours per day.


Yesterday Adam, one of my video guys, and I joined a wonderful team from Estelle's Dressy Dresses to do a photo shoot in Huntington, NY. We had a wonderful time working with the owner of the store, the mananger, and some of her workers that were modeling for us. In this picture you see a beutiful thirteen year old girl wearing one of hundreds of dresses that you can find at Estelle's. Todos invitados a visitar la tienda en Farmingdale, alla encontraran literlamente cientos de vesitdos de novia y quinceanera.

Wedding Cake

I am happy to share the beautiful cake from the wedding that I photographed on Saturday. We arrived to the venue half an hour before the ceremony began but by the time we brought everything in and set up our equipment we only had ten minutes left. We took advantage of that time and photographed the details in the ballroom as we knew that we will be doing family pictures during the cocktail hour. The constant pressure, the up and down running, the feeling of bringing two families together during pictures keeps my job interesting and I won't change for anything else.

Shaphan & Mileydy

Un gusto saludarle de nuevo amigos. I'm happy to share a picture from Shaphan and Mileydy  that I took during their  wedding ceremony last Friday in Brooklyn, NY....Things have changed in the wedding industry. Nowadays the majority of our clients communicate with us via email and text. A personal consultation or even a phone call seems like a thing of the past. The time of our clients is very valuable and the information that they usually get when meeting us in person is now available in testimonials from previous clients. Testimonials are so powerful, therefore our job today is to provide great quality of pictures and the best experience to our clients. Quality and experience go hand in hand. Shaphan and Mileydy are christians and their ceremony was very meaningful to them, therefore I tried to be as discreet as possible. At one point I even left the ceremony room. In fact, the picture that you see here was shot from outside their ceremony room. I shot through the opening...

Usando el carro como reflector

Lo mas importante como fotografo es conseguir la mejor luz posible dentro del ambiente que se encuentra al momento. A veces cosas que a primera vista parecen ordinarias pueden servir de mucho en mejora la calidad de la luz. Este es el caso en esta foto. Aquí usted puede ver como yo use el carro como reflector para llenar las partes sombrías en la cara. El carro también me sirvió como un objeto para posar a Connie e inclusive me sirvió para esconder cosas que no quería mostrar en la foto, como los pies y los zapatos por ejemplo. Siempre hay mas de una manera de resolver los problemas fotográficos, solo necesitamos mantener una mentalidad abierta.